Friday, February 1, 2013

Words - Guest Post by Janet Harward

You wouldn't have to spend very much time with me to find out that I am a "woman of words."  (now this doesn't just mean that I love to talk, although I do).  I enjoy words.  I like how they fit together.  I like written words and spoken words.  I like how they sound.  I especially like when I find just the right words to express EXACTLY what I am thinking.

I did not come to love words on my own.  This is one of the many things that I learned from my Dad.  My Dad enjoyed words.  Dad taught his children to speak correctly.  He told us the importance of being able to communicate clearly with each other.  He always told us we were smart and special and that what we thought was valuable to him.  My Dad also taught me that nothing has the potential to affect a person like words.  Words are powerful!  They can be positively powerful or negatively powerful.  Very few things in the life have the power to lift our spirits or tear us apart like words.

                                                                   -  Excerpt from Take Off Your Mask by Janet Harward